Transparency : internet’s great boomerang

effet boomerangLast week,  every one could eventually have access to the brand new web site of Segolene Royal and her association “Désirs d’avenir” created in the aim of proposing and building a socialist plan able to convince French citizens and to counter Mr Sarkozy’s policy. Despite its ridiculously  old-fashioned background, Segolene Royal’s website is in keeping with the current trend that every single politic is respectively following : transparency.

Creating websites, having blogs, being on Facebook, Twitter and so on, are various ways to communicate and to make citizens believe that all pieces of information can be shared with them, that they can be aware of every single movement or actions of their political representatives. Before being elected as the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy helped by his communication advisers also tried to be in vogue by creating a website dedicated to promote the candidate’s political plan and to enable French net surfers to question him about it.

If transparency, one of the major impacts of the internet on our society, has been used by some politics as an effective  strategy of communication, it is also a trap in which many of them have been caught.,,…Since the arrival of social networks, thousands of videos and images are broadcasted and shared between millions of net surfers each day. Taken from cameras or mobilephones, these images are very threatening for politics who are forced to control and curb all their acts and speeches. No off !  That’s what transparency means.

Recently, Mr.Hortefeux experimented the drawbacks of this famous internet transparency while making a quite unwarranted joke about Arabic immigrants in France. The Minister was speaking with some supporters of the UMP and taking pictures with a young man (who seems to have Arabic origins) before saying, obviously speaking about Arabic people : “It’s always important to have one. When there’s one, it’s fine. It’s when they are numerous that it is a problem”.

Politics like to pretend acting with transparency.

Unfortunately for them, it’s a boomerang whose jar is quick and painful. Unfortunately for us, many of these same politics have developed a liking for making their private life transparent.

Thanks Internet transparency ! Thanks to you, we can also watch  Mrs Bruni Sarkozy and her husband kissing each other and talking about jogging, or about their dogs Clara, Toomy and Dumbledor – who, of course, are not as cute as  Bo.

You don’t know Bo !! Does this ring a bell ?

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